Our event scheduled for March 28th at the Event Center is officially postponed.
That is right, postponed, not cancelled. After speaking with our health department and other officials we will follow the direction of the CDC and postpone our event since we are expecting such a large crowd. The SOC Team has been working on this all week and feel that this is absolutely the best course of action. What is transpiring around us is much bigger than our event.
This scenario is new to us like it is to everyone globally. Our team has a lot to figure out in the coming days. We’ll be meeting and formulating a plan regarding all aspects of our event. For now, please put your tickets in a secure space as they will still be honored when a new date is announced. We do want to thank The Event Center of Montgomery County, LaDeDa Entertainment, and Platinum Rock Legends for working with us on this. We don’t have all the answers yet but will be coming out with more information soon.
With that being said, we are only postponed. Over the years, Stamp Out Cancer has grown to a size where our money raised accounts for a significant amount of the Montgomery County Cancer Association’s budget. COVID-19 does not care if you have cancer or if you need to make it to treatment. Our amazing teams this year still have some awesome events coming up and are looking to finish strong. Our help is still needed. Montgomery County is not only one of the finest counties in the nation, it’s one of the strongest. We will get through this together. It’s what we do.
Thank you all for your understanding.